“Spalio mėnesį pražydo kaštonai, lapkritį – aguonos, žydi vyšnios, šilauogės, sirpsta avietės... Senelių iškastame tvenkinyje veisiasi žuvys iš Kaspijos jūros, pamiškes ir pakeles užkariavo pietų Amerikos Lubinai, apleistas pievas baigia užkariauti agresyvieji Sosnovskio barščiai iš Kaukazo. Namų stogus plėšia uraganai, ūkininkų derlius tai supūva, tai sudžiūva, tai įšąla, Kalėdas sutinkame be sniego, kovą po kailiniais slepiamės nuo trisdešimties laipsnių šalčio. Klimatas keičiasi, gamta painiojasi, o žmogus, išpūtęs akis, stebisi.(http://www.grynas.lt/)”.
Taigi kuomet už lango spardosi žiema visiskai nežiemiška dar, ir stūgauja vis dar rudeniniai vėjai... prisimindama, tas lapkričio mėnenesį pražydusias, aguonas ir matomai jų įkvėpta, pabandžiau jas įamžinti karoliukų pasaulyje... :)
Ir juokingiausia tai, kad toje mano sukurtoje ale aguonoje, sparnuoti draugai įžvelgė lėktuvo variklio M-14-P panašumų... palyginimui įkeliu foto ir jums ;)
M-14-P engine :)
I was reading one Lithuanian article which was rather inspiring, excerpt from it:
„In October the Chestnuts flowered, in November – the poppies, cherries and blueberries are flowering,the raspberries mellowing... Fishes from the Caspian Sea are breeded in the pond which was excavated by our grandparents. Outskirts of the forests and roadsides are conquered by the American lupines, Aggressive Sosnovskij borsch from the Caucasus already have conquered our abandoned grasslands. Hurricanes strip away the roofs, yield either rot, parch or freeze in. We are celebrating Christmas without snow, but in March we are hiding from – 30 C cold under the fur coats. Climate is changing, nature is confusing, and the human is wondering with his flatulent eyes.(www.grynas.lt)”
So, while there is no real winter outside the window, and autumn winds are still howling... remmembering those beautiful poppies which flowered in November I tried them to immortalized in the world of beads… :)
And there is funny thing... my winged friends noticed some similarities between beaded brooch and aircraft engine M-14-p… for the comparison I am attaching the photo for you :)
So, while there is no real winter outside the window, and autumn winds are still howling... remmembering those beautiful poppies which flowered in November I tried them to immortalized in the world of beads… :)
And there is funny thing... my winged friends noticed some similarities between beaded brooch and aircraft engine M-14-p… for the comparison I am attaching the photo for you :)
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